Brought to you by the Innovation in Politics Institute, in partnership with leading experts from around Europe, our monthly Briefings give you everything you need to start leading political innovation in under 90 minutes

  • Today’s political landscape is changing rapidly. Keeping pace with the constant flow of new tools, trends, and technologies can prove overwhelming, especially for political professionals facing constraints on their time, an ever-increasing volume of information, and growing concerns about democracy’s future.
  • Expert Knowledge, Simplified: Our Briefings are designed to cut through the noise. Developed in collaboration with leading experts, they provide you with the crucial insights and practical resources you need to take action in just 90 minutes.
  • Actionable Practical Guidance: Each Briefing, we tackle a pressing political innovation topic—whether it’s harnessing AI in political work or creative inclusive policies leveraging citizens’ assemblies—supporting you in creating a step-by-step action plan that’s ready to implement.
  • Designed for Busy Leaders: With Briefings, you’ll gain the confidence and expertise to lead in political innovation, future-proofing your strategies and focusing on long-term projects that strengthen democracy.
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